How To Download Windows On Mac Using Vmware

This post has been updated to reflect the latest version of VMWare Fusion (VMWare Fusion 11)

Migrate Your Windows PC to your Mac with VMware Fusion from VMware Fusion on Vimeo. With the free VMware Converter tool and these easy steps, you can bundle up your entire Windows PC—including files, applications, and operating system—to run on your Mac using VMware Fusion.

I recently installed a new version of Windows 10 on my Mac as a virtual machine using VMWare Fusion 11. Following a few simple steps ensured a smooth installation.

First off, you will need to be running the latest version of VMWare Fusion (currently version 11). For my virtual machine, I opted to create a new Windows 10 machine. In order to do so however, you need to install a full version of Windows 10, not an upgrade. Both the Windows Home and the Windows Professional System Builders are available on Amazon on disc. You can also purchase Window Home on a Flash Drive if you so choose.


The first step is purchasing the full version of Windows you want to use:

You can purchase the Windows 10 Professional System Builder 64 bit disc HERE

You can purchase the Windows 10 Professional System Builder 64 bit download HERE

You can purchase the Windows 10 Home System Builder 64 bit disc HERE

You can purchase the Windows 10 Home System Builder 64 bit download HERE

Mac Os Download For Vmware Fusion

You can purchase the Windows 10 Home flash drive HERE

Okay, you’ve purchased and downloaded Windows 10. Now you’ll need to purchase and download VMWare Fusion 11. You can do so from HERE.

To Install VMWare Fusion 11:

  1. Once downloaded, double-click the file to begin the installation process.
  2. Click the Double-click to Install icon.
  3. Enter your login credentials when prompted.
  4. If you receive an error message telling you that system software from VMWare was blocked, click the Security & Privacy settings button and from the Security & Privacy pane of System Preferences, click the Allow button.
  5. Click the Agree button to agree to the License Terms & Conditions.
  6. Enter your license key when prompted and then click Continue.
  7. If you receive a message that you need to give VMWare accessibility permissions, agree to do so. Then, in the Privacy tab of the Security & Privacy Preferences pane, click Accessibility in the left pane. Then, scroll down and click the checkbox next to VMWare Fusion in the right pane.
  8. Click Done to complete the installation (depending on which options where already in place, the last couple of instructions may differ for you.)

Now we’re ready to create a new Windows 10 virtual machine!

To Install Windows 10 using VMWare Fusion 10

  1. Insert the Windows 10 disc in your DVD drive.
  2. Launch VMWare Fusion 11. If the “Select Installation Method” window isn’t displaying, select File > New from the VMWare fusion menu.
  3. Click the Install from disc or image icon.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Click the name of the file or image. If you have downloaded a Windows image or the Windows .iso file from Microsoft and the file is in your downloads folder, is should display in here. If not, click “Use another disc or disc image” and then navigate to the file).
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Ensure that Easy Install checkbox is checked.
  8. If necessary, type in your Mac Administrator Account Name (username). Then, type in the Administrator Password in the Password box. Type it again to confirm it.
  9. Enter in the Windows Product Key.
  10. Click the drop-down box and choose Windows 10 Home or Windows 10 Pro from the list, depending on which version of Windows you purchased.
  11. Click Continue.
  12. If you will be sharing files with your Mac, click the More Seamless button. If you will not need to share files with Mac OS X, choose More Isolated.
  13. Click Continue.
  14. Click Finish.
  15. Type a name for your virtual machine. The location should default to your Virtual Machines folder.
  16. Click Save to begin the installation.
  17. Enter any necessary setup and settings information when prompted.

In order to ensure that the resolution of the virtual machine fills up the entire black space, you may need to upgrade your VMWare tool. Choose Virtual Machine > Upgrade VMWare tools from the menu to install the latest version.

And that’s it! You’re now able to run Windows 10 on your Mac.

Installing Windows On Mac Using Vmware Fusion

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