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On macOS Catalina I have an old, pre-installed version of GCC (4.2.1) that is not compatible with other libraries that I need to use. How can I upgrade to a more recent version (I need 4.4 at l. I am using OS 10.9 on mac machine. I want to know the version of gcc I am using. So I tried gcc -version on terminal and it results: $ gcc -version Configured with: -prefix=/Applications/Xcode. Xcode is now available for free from the app store. Just 'buy it' (for free) and it will download. To get the command line tools go into preferences/downloads and 'install command line compiler tools'. Instead of gcc you are using clang, but it works the same.

Next: x86 specific memory model extensions for transactional memory, Previous: __atomic Builtins, Up: C Extensions [Contents][Index]

6.56 Built-in Functions to Perform Arithmetic with Overflow Checking

The following built-in functions allow performing simple arithmetic operationstogether with checking whether the operations overflowed.

Built-in Function: bool__builtin_add_overflow(type1 a, type2 b, type3 *res)
Built-in Function: bool__builtin_sadd_overflow(int a, int b, int *res)
Built-in Function: bool__builtin_saddl_overflow(long int a, long int b, long int *res)

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Built-in Function: bool__builtin_saddll_overflow(long long int a, long long int b, long long int *res)
Built-in Function: bool__builtin_uadd_overflow(unsigned int a, unsigned int b, unsigned int *res)
Built-in Function: bool__builtin_uaddl_overflow(unsigned long int a, unsigned long int b, unsigned long int *res)
Built-in Function: bool__builtin_uaddll_overflow(unsigned long long int a, unsigned long long int b, unsigned long long int *res)

These built-in functions promote the first two operands into infinite precision signedtype and perform addition on those promoted operands. The result is thencast to the type the third pointer argument points to and stored there.If the stored result is equal to the infinite precision result, the built-infunctions return false, otherwise they return true. As the addition isperformed in infinite signed precision, these built-in functions have fully definedbehavior for all argument values.

The first built-in function allows arbitrary integral types for operands andthe result type must be pointer to some integral type other than enumerated orboolean type, the rest of the built-in functions have explicit integer types.

The compiler will attempt to use hardware instructions to implementthese built-in functions where possible, like conditional jump on overflowafter addition, conditional jump on carry etc.

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Built-in Function: bool__builtin_sub_overflow(type1 a, type2 b, type3 *res)
Built-in Function: bool__builtin_ssub_overflow(int a, int b, int *res)

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Built-in Function: bool__builtin_ssubl_overflow(long int a, long int b, long int *res)
Built-in Function: bool__builtin_ssubll_overflow(long long int a, long long int b, long long int *res)

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Built-in Function: bool__builtin_usub_overflow(unsigned int a, unsigned int b, unsigned int *res)
Built-in Function: bool__builtin_usubl_overflow(unsigned long int a, unsigned long int b, unsigned long int *res)
Built-in Function: bool__builtin_usubll_overflow(unsigned long long int a, unsigned long long int b, unsigned long long int *res)

These built-in functions are similar to the add overflow checking built-infunctions above, except they perform subtraction, subtract the second argumentfrom the first one, instead of addition.

Built-in Function: bool__builtin_mul_overflow(type1 a, type2 b, type3 *res)
Built-in Function: bool__builtin_smul_overflow(int a, int b, int *res)
Built-in Function: bool__builtin_smull_overflow(long int a, long int b, long int *res)
Built-in Function: bool__builtin_smulll_overflow(long long int a, long long int b, long long int *res)
Built-in Function: bool__builtin_umul_overflow(unsigned int a, unsigned int b, unsigned int *res)

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Built-in Function: bool__builtin_umull_overflow(unsigned long int a, unsigned long int b, unsigned long int *res)
Built-in Function: bool__builtin_umulll_overflow(unsigned long long int a, unsigned long long int b, unsigned long long int *res)

These built-in functions are similar to the add overflow checking built-infunctions above, except they perform multiplication, instead of addition.

The following built-in functions allow checking if simple arithmetic operationwould overflow.

Built-in Function: bool__builtin_add_overflow_p(type1 a, type2 b, type3 c)
Built-in Function: bool__builtin_sub_overflow_p(type1 a, type2 b, type3 c)
Built-in Function: bool__builtin_mul_overflow_p(type1 a, type2 b, type3 c)

These built-in functions are similar to __builtin_add_overflow,__builtin_sub_overflow, or __builtin_mul_overflow, except thatthey don’t store the result of the arithmetic operation anywhere and thelast argument is not a pointer, but some expression with integral type otherthan enumerated or boolean type.

The built-in functions promote the first two operands into infinite precision signed typeand perform addition on those promoted operands. The result is thencast to the type of the third argument. If the cast result is equal to the infiniteprecision result, the built-in functions return false, otherwise they return true.The value of the third argument is ignored, just the side effects in the third argumentare evaluated, and no integral argument promotions are performed on the last argument.If the third argument is a bit-field, the type used for the result cast has theprecision and signedness of the given bit-field, rather than precision and signednessof the underlying type.

For example, the following macro can be used to portably check, atcompile-time, whether or not adding two constant integers will overflow,and perform the addition only when it is known to be safe and not to triggera -Woverflow warning.

The compiler will attempt to use hardware instructions to implementthese built-in functions where possible, like conditional jump on overflowafter addition, conditional jump on carry etc.

Next: x86 specific memory model extensions for transactional memory, Previous: __atomic Builtins, Up: C Extensions [Contents][Index]

Get a list of all predefined macros:

The following variables can vary by compiler, but generally work:

How to download gcc on mac stack overflow downloadHow To Download Gcc On Mac Stack Overflow
  • The __LINE__ and __FILE__ variables represent the current line and current file being processed.
  • The __DATE__ variable contains the current date, in the form month/day/year. This is the date that the file was compiled, not necessarily the current date.
  • The __TIME__ variable represents the current time, in the form hour:minute:second. This is the time that the file was compiled, not necessarily the current time.
  • The __cplusplus variable is only defined when compiling a C++ program. In some older compilers, this is also called c_plusplus.
  • The __STDC__ variable is defined when compiling a C program, and may also be defined when compiling C++.

GCC-specific variables

The following are GCC-specific variables. While they are not specifically preprocessor macros they are magic and can be used the same way:

  • __func__ contains the bare name of the function
  • __FUNCTION__ is another name for __func__
  • The __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ contains the type signature of the function as well as its bare name.
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